green leaf lettuce (in the middle)
collards (large flat leaves at the top)
dinosaur kale (dark green leaves at the bottom)
We were pretty confident that the lettuce was the lettuce, but definitely had to use our friend Google to correctly identify the collards vs. the kale. I know, we're dumb. But now we know!
2 breasts
bag of wings
Every Tuesday we get an email from our CSA group listing some loose (but not guaranteed) predictions of what we will get that week. Then sometime in the morning on Thursday we get a second email with an exact list of what is being delivered. And I'll admit that when I got this week's itemized email my heart sank a little bit. Greens and onions, greens and onions. We had a lot of that last week, too, but it was fun to have the asparagus and radishes in the mix. Something a little different. But, it makes sense: this is what is ready now. I'm interested to see the contents of our weekly boxes evolve as the season progresses.
But still, when Steve texted me that there was rhubarb in the swap box, I said GO FOR IT! And he put back our red scallions, since we got some last week and have a few left yet. There were also some apples in the box, but he reported that they were not in great shape so left them behind (though now that I think about it there are a ton of great things you can do with old apples, right?).
So that's Week 2; we'll see how it goes. I meal planned last night and it should be interesting - all new-to-us recipes. We have some internationally-inspired dishes in our plans this week, and some dessert ideas in the mix too, thanks to the rhubarb. Stay tuned!