Friday, May 30, 2014

Week 1 Summary

Or, What Happened to All that Food?

Here is a quick summary of how we ended up using the vegetables and chicken from our first CSA delivery. See below for links to each of the dishes I wrote about over the past week.

Red Scallions: there are two of these left right now. They are in okay shape, so may still get used.

Egyptian Walking Onions: gone! We used one in the chopped kale salad and took what was left up to Pennsylvania with us over the weekend. They got thrown over a fire to cook. I didn't love them plain, but I believe they were enjoyed by others.

Green Kale: gone! It all went into the chopped kale salad, which we made twice.

French Breakfast Radishes: gone! Most of them went into the spring vegetable salad, but some were also munched on plain or with hummus.

Asparagus: gone! Most of what wasn't used in the spring vegetable salad or on the tartines was cooked-up (oil, salt, pepper) as a side dish one day last week. The remaining spears were cooked on the fire along with the onions last weekend.

Mixed Lettuce: gone! Aside from what went in the spring vegetable salad, I ate a lot of side salads with my lunches last week (love to toss in some dried cranberries and crumbled blue cheese). I also gave away a gallon-sized ziplock bag full of greens to two different friends to enjoy. I totally love being able to share the wealth in this way and I hope they were put to good use!

2 Chicken Breasts: gone! Used to make the Parmesan chicken that we ate with the tartines.

2 Whole Chicken Legs: gone! We baked these in a sticky-sweet sauce that I was not crazy about. Looking forward to trying something else next time.

Week 1 Links
Chopped Kale Salad
Grilled Asparagus Tartines (with Crispy Parmesan Chicken)
Tortellini and Spring Vegetable Salad

Asparagus and walking onions cooking over a fire (along with some sliders - yum!)

All in all, I feel really proud of how well we used everything from Week 1. I'm actually surprised how well it went. BUT we did technically have two weeks to find a use for everything, since there was no delivery last Thursday. From here on out we are getting a new box of food every week, whether we are ready for it or not. So we'll see what happens when the pace picks up.

I loved that the three major meals we made in Week 1 were all so amazing, and yet so different, even though they used many overlapping ingredients. That to me is a big part of what eating well is all about. I can't take any credit for the engineering of these recipes, but boy am I grateful that there are folks out there creative enough to put these yummy meals together and share them with the rest of us!

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