Thursday, August 7, 2014

Week 11 Delivery

Welcome to Week 11 of our CSA! Here's a glimpse at what we received in our latest box:

red potatoes
green bell peppers
yellow onions
Indian cucumbers (the round, gourd-looking fruit between the potatoes and carrots)
orange carrots
fairytale eggplants
red tomatoes swapped for rosemary
green zucchini
heirloom tomatoes

pint of blueberries
bag of peaches 

whole legs

A few thoughts on the items in this box:
- I think those fairytale eggplants are the cutest things ever. End of story.
- At the start of the week, I had no idea what an Indian cucumber was and was honestly having a hard time finding information about them online. Up to this point, that really hasn't been an issue with the more unusual produce we've had. I may share more about them this week, but ended up using them in a way I would have used a regular cucumber.
- The small heirloom tomatoes are also beautifully colored, and the ones we've had so far have been delicious.
- The peaches this time around are awesome. Finally (they've been a little hit or miss so far, even within the flavor of a single fruit)!

This CSA week may be a little blog-light because I was feeling a pull to keep things more simple with our meal plan. Thankfully, a lot of the produce in this batch is lending itself well to that. Lots of veggies & dip happening in our house this week. And I'm enjoying a little respite from our usual heavier cooking routine. More to come in the next few days!


  1. You've been getting the most adorable eggplant lately! Who knew eggplant could be so cute?

    1. I know, right!? And we got a 3rd variety of mini eggplants in Week 12 that I also hadn't seen before! I just want to nuzzle them :)
