Thursday, July 24, 2014

Week 9 Delivery

Welcome to CSA Week 9! Here are the items we received in our box this week:

Chinese purple garlic
green kale
8-ball zucchini
red cherry tomatoes
red beets
bicolor sweet corn 

bag of peaches
pint of blueberries
jar blueberry jam

whole leg

Agretti is a totally new-to-us item, and after reading a bit about it (some info here), I realized that it's kind of a unique and rare vegetable in the U.S., with a brief window of availability - quite a treat to get some in our box! We've already used it up and I'll share more about what we made in the next few days, but just know for now that it rocked. The Chinese purple garlic is also something I've never seen before, but I'm planning on using it like regular garlic. Somebody stop me if it's some wacky variation and I shouldn't do that, but it feels like a safe bet.

Otherwise, I'm happy to have some more kale this week (planning to repeat a favorite salad recipe) and love that we are flush with zucchini. Also, sweet corn! Oh, and more beets - ha. I'm still not sure what's going to become of those this time around. Overall I'm pretty happy with the way Week 9 has been shaping up thus far and I'll be back with some details soon!

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